
CES (Consumer Electronics Show)

The Consumer Electronics Show is an international public trade show held every January, in Nevada, Las Vegas. Many things were announced at CES.

One thing was Project Natal. Project Natal, unveiled by the CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, is a new technology made exclusively for the XBox 360. It contains motion detection and acts as the Wii was supposed to. This new family-friendly technology will probably bring in many more family constumers to microsoft. You can click here for more information on Project Natal.

Among other things, Microsoft with HP, has also unveiled the HP Slate PC. This tablet piece of technology is a new, small and portable tablet computer is "more powerful than a phone and almost as powerful as a PC. Perfect for reading, surfing the web, and taking entertainment on the go. This new portable device might make laptops obsolete. Hopefully this will not happen because I have an HP laptop at home. You can get videos and moer information here.

Lastly another object of interest would be 3D TV. With recent success with movies, like Avatar, three-dimensional visual entertainment has caught the interest of many companies and people. These television sets will start at $2000 US. They will also require special 3D glasses. US cable companies have already started creating new channels for the 3D TVs. ESPN has announced that it will have the World Cup of Soccer and the NBA in 3D by June 2010. For more information click here.

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